
The Taliban By Zach Hoepfl

The Taliban is a fundamentalist Islamic militia that took control of Afghanistan and set up a radical Islamic state. The Taliban first formed in 1979 when the soviets invaded Afghanistan as a tribal militia group to fight the soviet influence. The Taliban was provided arms by the United States to fight the soviets and it contributed to the Taliban’s growing power.  By 1996 the Taliban gained international recognition when they gained control of the capitol city Kabul. The Taliban had complete control of the Afghani government and maintained control of the people through fear. They used acts of terror to cause fear domestically and internationally. In 1998 the Taliban bombed U.S embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Tanzania. They caused a wave of fear and it also resulted in missile attacks throughout Afghanistan by the Clinton administration. The Taliban engaged in multiple acts of terrorism over several years and in 1999 they displayed their proud support of terrorism by providing refuge to Osama bin Laden. The Taliban refused to extradite Osama to the United States showing their loyalty to terror. The Taliban kept control over Afghanistan and established and Islamic fundamentalist government from 1996 through 2001. The end of the Taliban started on October 7th 2001 when U.S and British forces invaded Afghanistan to eliminate the Taliban’s influence. The war on terror is ongoing and is a global problem that requires a coordinated effort to end.


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