Africa Food Crsis

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What is the problem?

There is a food crisis happening in East Africa, Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia.  Most of these countries rely on farming for their food.  These countries knew that this drought was coming eight months before it happened and asked for money to help prepare.  Other countries such as the UK and US refused to listen and waited for the issue to actually happen. Many lives are being taken because of starvation and the failed attempt at fund raising to help the problem. Many people are moving out and leaving their homes thinking it will be better somewhere else. If the population drops too much, that can lead to an economic crash of that country.

What are the Causes?

The cause of this global problem is because of prolonged droughts and no one listening to the country. The weather cannot be controlled. Sometimes we wish that we could have that ability, to help those with the drought. The causes are both man made and weather related.  The weather controls the drought, but it is also man made because we can control the population and decrease the death rate during this tragedy.  There are conflicts in Somalia that prevent the food crisis to be fixed.  Warlords are controlling food distribution and declining aid to help.  Somalia is getting hit the hardest because to get humanitarian aide there is very difficult due to the Warlords control.

What are the effects?

The effects of this crisis are tragic.  Some of the populations of the countries are moving to Kenya thinking that it will be better somewhere else.  The unfortunate reality is that it is hard everywhere and no matter where they go they will be hungry.  The decrease of population can lead to an economic crash of that country and hunger and death wont be the only problem. As food prices increase it puts the less fortunate population in a tough situation because only the rich will be able to afford the food. The Oxfam organization says that twelve million to thirteen million people are starving and don’t have clean water or other basic cleansing utilities.   There are no definite numbers of deaths, but as of now more than 50,000 have died, mostly in Somalia.  Live stock is dying, harvests failed, and families livelihoods were destroyed.  There are 1.46 million Somalis displaced with in the country.

There is Hope.

We can’t make this prolonged drought stop, but what we can do is help those in need.  There aren’t too many solutions to this problem, but there is hope. The UK has pledged $205 million dollars, which leaves $800 million dollars left to the $1.87 billion to help aid the food crisis.  Donations don’t just have to be from other countries.  They can also be from charity organizations.  Like many people do, people could go into these different countries and “adopt” a family for a while and help feed and take care of the family.  I am sure that they wouldn’t mind an extra set of hands around where they live.  This will help relieve some of the issues in these countries so they don’t think that they are in this alone. Going and doing community service would be a big step forward in to the right direction.  Oxfam is assisting over three million people.  They are giving these people clean water, improving sanitation, increasing access to food, and working with local partners.


Works Cited

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for–local-people–uganda–the-pearl-of-africa.jpg.&#8221; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013. <–local-people–uganda–the-pearl-of-africa.html&docid=l8EccomYZ_tk0M&imgurl=;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

” Google Image Result for; Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.

“East Africa Food Crisis.” N.p., 20 July 2011. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. <>.

“East Africa food crisis | Oxfam International.” Oxfam International | Working together to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. <;.

Shah, Anup. “East Africa Food Crisis 2011 — Global Issues.” Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all — Global Issues. N.p., 11 July 2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. <;.








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